Martynas Majeris

Results 280 comments of Martynas Majeris

> How will I know when a proper bug fix is up? I'll post a follow up here. You should get a notification.

Sliders are not tied to any specific axis or axis type. You can have two sliders on a char: horizontal and vertical. If you need to add horizontal slider, you...

I don't have a complete demo, but here's a similar one: The idea is this: you have two LineSeries. 1) Man line that goes in the middle. 2) One...

BTW, this is for amCharts 4. Just in case you are looking for amCharts 5 (current version), here's the same demo:

Well, obviously you will need to style as needed. The series used for fill will need its `strokeOpacity` set to zero so that there's no line. And the middle line...

While there's admittedly an issue, we might not be able to solve it soon. We might come back to this, but for now I suggest you do not use `invalidateRawData()`...

> I'll try to resolve this problem and make a pull request this weekend. Thank you for the effort. Unfortunately, we do not accept PR due to a number of...

If you manage to solve this, do a PR. While we won't be able to merge it (this repo is just for distribution, it's not actual dev repo), we might...

Well, you can nest charts. For example: It uses PieCharts inside an XYChart. Do you perhaps have a mockup how you would like to nest two XYCharts?

You can use adapters for that: ```JavaScript categoryAxis.renderer.labels.adapter.add("text", function(text, target) { return target.dataItem ? : text; }); ```