Martynas Majeris

Results 280 comments of Martynas Majeris

How about checking docs first? Kaip ten yra, Šarūnai? ;) Tom, sorry this has been brought out, and for missing your original post altogether. We don't monitor GitHub issues...

Thanks! Just a quick workaround: open other browser window, go to or to log in. Then try clicking Save in the current window. Should do the trick.

Both of your screenshots show same value in series tooltip and legend. Same thing in the jsFiddle. What am I missing?

Just to make sure: you need get nodes in specific level OR you need to get specific node in a level OR you need to get level of the node?

How do you identify which nodes to disable hover on? Do you disable hover effect on all nodes of some level? Or individual nodes within one level? If you had...

Thanks. You can iterate through series' `nodes` and collect required ones based on their "depth": ```JavaScript var level1nodes = []; series.nodes.each(function(node) { if (node.dataItem.get("depth") == 1) { level1nodes.push(node); } });...

Sveikas, Domai. Any chance of a working demo so that we can experiment on your setup, and possibly figure out the issue?

Labels themselves cannot be interactive in amCharts 5. To add any kind of interactivity, you need to add a background to them. For axis labels, it means setting up template...

This is confirmed as bug. We'll be fixing it. Thanks for reporting, and sorry for not being able to get back earlier.

Are you creating the whole chart in `useLayoutEffect`? You should only update changes in it: