Martynas Majeris

Results 280 comments of Martynas Majeris

We'll be reviewing other indicators for feasibility to add them as we go.

@ankit-mercer I'm having trouble reproducing the issue based on your description on this demo: Are you getting the issue on this demo, or something else?

@ankit-mercer Thanks. We've updated the demo. It would not disable main series in comparison selection, too.

You are creating a scrollbar object, but don't attach it to a chart. Add this: ```JavaScript chart.set("scrollbarX", scrollbarX); ```

The following doc has a code snippet and a demo with HTML tooltip on a `ColumnSeries`: It will work exactly the same on a `LineSeries`.

Excellent suggestions. Thanks! We're adding the `wrap-no-break` option since it makes the most sense. We'll consider other options as well. No promises, though :)

Implemented in [5.2.29]( ## [5.2.29] - 2022-10-07 ### Added - Additional option for `Label`'s `oversizedBehavior` setting: `"wrap-no-break"`. If set, the labels will wrap to `maxWidth`, but will not brak words...

Each label has default padding set to it, which counts towards determining whether it fits. You may remove padding: ``` paddingLeft: 0, paddingRight: 0, paddingTop: 0, paddingBottom: 0, ```

This should do the trick: ```JavaScript legend.itemContainers.template.setup = function(item) {"pointerover") }; ```

This is by design. We do not want to control any aspect of your HTML content, including colors.