Marius Klimantavičius

Results 3 issues of Marius Klimantavičius

In `ParseWebSocketReceivedData` if `_webSocketReceiveState == WebSocketReceiveState.Header` and there is not enough `ReceiveDataLength` to read full header (`ParseHeader` returns 0) the data is neither consumed nor additional receive is started. See...

Current `ParseWebSocketReceivedData` implementation ignores any data if there is no receive in progress (`_webSocketReceiveTcs == null`). Ping/Pong frames should be handled (and invisible to the application) even if there is...

ReflectionEx orders fields using current culture (it simply uses `OrderBy(s=>s.Name)`). It is possible (as I've encountered) that two different locales would result in different fields orders. In my case `lt-LT`...