Marius Klimantavičius

Results 8 comments of Marius Klimantavičius

If I understood your question correctly - you don't even need to use BackgroundWorker. Once you've created and started a server (see NowinSample/Program.cs as @Bobris mentioned) it will run until...

It is possible that there might some threading issues (FinishReceiveData and ReceiveAsync both call ParseWebSocketReceivedData and ReceiveAsync comes from consuming app thread, and FinishReceiveData from IO thread [IOCompleted] - I...

During my testing I found that sometimes _webSocketReceiveTcs has SetResult called multiple times (this mostly happened when there were breakpoints with action to print some text in autobahn test suite...

Ping/Pong support probably is not that interesting though some libraries (i.e. WebSocket4Net and websocket-sharp) do have support for sending pings. I found this fragmentation issue when running a ping/pong test...

For the exception: ---> (Inner Exception #0) System.NotImplementedException: Metoda nebo operace není implementována. v Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Owin.OwinWebSocketHandler.OwinWebSocket.get_State() As a dirty work-around I have added my own OwinWebSocketContext to then environment (see:

Created a repository that could be used for reproduction: As mentioned before - it does work correctly in Windows. For me it fails when being run in linux docker...

Not OP but deleting `.azure` does not help (I am on Windows 10). I could only make it work if I generated a service account and used that for credentials....

One more work-around: disable all warnings from Azure CLI by: `az config set core.only_show_errors=true` A better workaround probably would be to use `--only-show-errors` in the provider.