Marc Palmer
Marc Palmer
Note that we probably want to allow determining whether dev + prod loggers are available at runtime, not just compile time. e.g. by default we'd include both targets but have...
Having thought about this more, my current thinking is: 1. development/production logging is a runtime thing. Let developers use their own flags to set up Flint as necessary at runtime....
Punting until we are seeing the real world issues around this.
We should probably just add this to the existing Feature browser debug UI for features that have `.userToggled` precondition, as this UI would not realistically be used by developers in...
We need a new VC for showing "nerdy details" of things that don't look good in alerts.
Actually we just need to document this. Current Apple practice means that `NSLocalizedString(x, y)` must be used at all call sites for `genstrings` to work unless they use custom matching...
There is already a solution - implement prepareActivity and/or `.ActivityMetadataRepresentable` and use whatever i18n string mech you would normally use. We can punt a smarter solution for this to a...
Punting this to post-1.0 final. There are various inconsistencies and areas for improvement in the file reports, but they will be relatively easy to achieve
The thinking in the above that having unsupported permissions is fine - you want to be able to write cross platform code that can test if a feature is enabled,...
One possible simple solution here, as this is dev information only, is to change `flintAdvistoryNotice` to always use `print()` in dev builds so it cannot be suppressed accidentally by turning...