Results 38 comments of Marco Esposito

This seems to be due to a limitation of electron between versions 3 and 8. The click event is not handled on Linux for these versions. I opened a PR...

Same here on Kubuntu 20.04 with Plasma (fully up to date as of today, Dec. 10th) and 5.0.2. The issue still persists. Already deleted `~/.config/Mattermost`.

Thanks for reopening the issue @devinbinnie! I also used the deb. I already tried deleting the config, but if I can try something else (deleting some cache) or you need...

The issue doesn't appear indeed in a fresh instance. I will try to find the root cause of the issue.

Hello @aoligeihahah, the sampler crashed, because the tf frame `camera_marker` that is configured in your launch file as the marker frame doesn't exist. You will have to change that parameter...

There are some errors related to the kinect2 nodelets in your log: ``` [FATAL] [1607013303.924090268]: Failed to load nodelet '/kinect2_points_xyzrgb_hdof typedepth_image_proc/point_cloud_xyzrgbto managerkinect2' [FATAL] [1607013303.924309265]: Failed to load nodelet '/kinect2_points_xyzrgb_qhdof typedepth_image_proc/point_cloud_xyzrgbto...

> hello@marcoesposito1988,This is the marker parameter I detected by aruco. > ![4_1]( > How do I get the pose of publishing tags in TF and how to use TF frame...

@Sinchiguano sorry for the late delay, I was on vacation. I replied with some suggestions in thread #10

Hi @felixvd, this is a very good idea! I actually wanted to keep this package tracking system-agnostic, but I could wrap it and create an "easy_handeye_aruco" package with dedicated documentation...

Hi @howard-wu-cam, that looks like the dummy transform that is published during calibration by `calibrate.launch`. Do you still have the nodes from calibration running? To check the calibration all you...