
Results 36 issues of --marc

On 2016.12.14, [sirthias/pegdown](https://github.com/sirthias/pegdown/) posted a deprecation notice that "pegdown has reached its end of life." The pegdown notice also gives reasons to consider [@vsch's](https://github.com/vsch) [flexmark-java](https://github.com/vsch/flexmark-java) as a replacement.

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* [x] I've read and understood the [*CONTRIBUTING* guidelines and have done my best effort to follow](https://github.com/CocoaPods/CocoaPods/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md). # Report An clean install `sudo gem install cocoapods` on a new Monterey/M1...

**Issue** If a relative path segment contains `#`, then the referenced image does not render in preview. **Configuration** * macOS Big Sur 11.6.3 * MacDown: version 0.7.3 (1008.4) and version...

**Issue** If a path segment contains `#`, then the referenced image does not render in preview. This applies to both (1) the relative path and (2) the implied parent path...

**Issue** "Active!" example colors on https://www.bootstrapcdn.com/bootswatch do not match the example thumbnail image. **Steps** Click a "Try it!" button. For example, United https://www.bootstrapcdn.com/bootswatch/?theme=19 ![Bootswatch_Active!](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15098151/55361520-4584da80-548c-11e9-9052-76256eabd0dd.png) **Expected Behavior** Expected the color scheme...

@slavick The attached `android-resources.zip` file contains Nutrition Facts `strings.xml` translations for Hebrew, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal) and Russian. [android-resources.zip](https://github.com/nutritionfactsorg/daily-dozen-android/files/7553559/android-resources.zip) Please check if these files work OK with the Android...

Item History date is not selectable for return to checklist view. * circle highlight does not select the current checklist date unless the date is "today" * day selection does...

> User feedback: In the last couple of weeks I've accidentally entered a whole day to realize it was for today not yesterday. This concern was reported as [daily-dozen-android issue...


A new installation (i.e. no existing app user preferences) of the Daily Dozen app is currently implemented to always set the measurement units system to `Imperial`. The Apple devices provide...

localization: code

> If you can look at further development to integrate the two apps better. It would also be good if the user ticks all of the beverages boxes in the...
