
Results 25 comments of --marc

As an FYI, the Apache Maven `doxia-module-markdown` had also reported problems with `pegdown`. [Apache Jira DOXIA-554: Parsing time for Markdown documents can take very long and hang site generation](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DOXIA-554) _......

Some observations for consideration: Relative to `intellij-markdown` and `pegdown`, both `commonmark-java` and `flexmark-java` are in a _"similar performance class"_: [basic benchmarks here⇗](https://github.com/vsch/flexmark-java/wiki/Basic-Benchmarks). Both `commonmark-java` and `flexmark-java` are greater than a...

@slavick A German translation which has been reviewed, updated and supports both platforms has been added. The Brazilian Portuguese has been updated for the region. The attached `android-resources-de-en-he-pt-ru.zip` file: *...

Related `fluent-sqlite-driver` issue 23: ['save(on:)' with given UUID fails to save to database](https://github.com/vapor/fluent-sqlite-driver/issues/23) The [Vapor document seemed to indicate that `save(on:)`](https://api.vapor.codes/fluent/latest/Fluent/Protocols/Model.html#/s:6Fluent5ModelPAAE4save2on3NIO15EventLoopFutureCyxG11DatabaseKit0I11Connectable_p_tF) would behave something like an classic `UPDATE OR INSERT`...

Hmmm..., `UPSERT` (or `MERGE`) would be _"simply a call to either `create` or `update` depending on whether"_ the id key exists in the SQL database: ``` sql IF EXISTS (key...

@jamie-brannan Thanks. I will run this PR change first through the `version_3_languages` branch for test, and then merge it onto the `master` branch. Here are some observations for how to...

**(1) Backup.** The app data is stored in the app container. As such, the app data backup occurs with any standard iOS device backup procedure that the user chooses, including...

AppleWatch support can add user convience to the application. (This is something I would like for my own use as well.) At this time, the Apple development is going through...

likely working OK. needs to be re-checked with regional format support updates in v3.2.11 build.