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Open source Structure-from-Motion pipeline

Results 184 OpenSfM issues
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Little trivial; I just figured out how to run the docker container with opensfm, also ensuring that the localhost:8080 is running. I was wondering if we could add that information...

I am having difficulty with the SFM. It is always generating a fuzzy looking point cloud across multiple datasets. I have attached one example. It is based on an orbit...

Hello, I am currently working on a project involving Gaussian Splatting (GS) with data reconstructed from a 360 camera using OpenSfM. However, I've encountered a challenge: GS primarily supports the...

…natesMany Attempting to fix issue create here: [](

cla signed

Should Camera::PixelToNormalizedCoordinatesMany be returning norm_coords instead of px_coords?see [](

Hi! I presumed that this may an issue and that opensfm would be supposed to work across a range of matplotlib verisons, since [matplotlib hasn't been pinned]( Cf. the transcript...

Hi! It'd seem that `sphinx.setup_command` doesn't exist since `7.0`: - - (doesn't exist) In Nixpkgs, since opensfm's `requirements.txt` pin its dependencies to the patch versions (e.g. `Sphinx==4.2.0`), we've...

Hi! Distributions like e.g. Nixpkgs often use git tags and/or github releases as a cue for automated package updates. The latest OpenSfM semver tag dates to the August of 2020,...

Configuring for python 3.11... -- Found AMD library: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ -- Found AMD header in: /usr/include/suitesparse -- Found CAMD library: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ -- Found CAMD header in: /usr/include/suitesparse -- Found COLAMD library:...

Hello guys, I am new here. I used to use Agisoft Metashape in my projects, and on their report there is the camera parameters and the error and correlation between...