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Open source Structure-from-Motion pipeline

Results 184 OpenSfM issues
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I am trying to get call stack and variables' state inside OpenSfM (in particular in / BundleAdjuster::Run) with VS Code debugger. So I added def configure_c_extension(): """Configure cmake project...

The method [_segmentation_labels_] from the class [DataSet]( should return all the unique classes labels contained in the segmentation masks. Instead, it return an empty list which is useless considering that...

I'm getting the following when running `pip install -r requirements.txt`: ``` Collecting pyyaml==5.4 (from -r requirements.txt (line 13)) Using cached PyYAML-5.4.tar.gz (174 kB) Installing build dependencies ... done Getting requirements...

I'm looking for feature descriptors for their respective feature id. I haven't been able to fetch that. However, I found a npz array with respect to each image frame(which has...

Sorry for bringing up the questions here, but I've got several questions about using the Mapillary Planet-Scale Depth Dataset: 1) In order to get the metric depth, what is the...

I noticed an issue when selecting pairs during feature matching, `find_best_altitude` returns very large value and hence causing missing pairs. Here attached the dumped data from my dataset (I'm not...

I encountered an error that happened during Flann feature matching. The reason is one of the feature descriptors for one specific image has all nan values. After further investigation, the...

I have 4 cameras in a rig with camera names `Left-left`, `Left-right`, `Right-left`, and `Right-right`. The image files are named `Left-left-001.png` ... The `camera:` field `exif_overrides.json` is set correctly to...

Hi I am getting core dump when running bin/opensfm_run_all data/berlin . I am using ubuntu on virtual box with around 6 GB and 6 processors I am not able to...

`"computed_rotation": [ 1.5361960317811, -0.57250186595465, 0.54694338796389 ]` I saw in openstreetmap when we load the streetview images, theres is a field in response 'computed_rotation' which is coming from the OpenSFM. It...