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Open source Structure-from-Motion pipeline

Results 184 OpenSfM issues
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Hi, The reconstruction has multiple planes of points. I have tried with different sets of images, sometimes it's very drastic - two almost perpendicular planes, as if the point cloud...

Configuring for python 3.9... -- Selecting Windows SDK version 10.0.19041.0 to target Windows 10.0.19044. -- Using VCPKG FindLAPACK from package 'lapack-reference' -- A library with LAPACK API found. -- Using...

Fallback to yml extension when yaml isn't found for Config. So now config can have either yml or yaml extension

cla signed

I have split my datasets into several submodes and reconstructed each one, and everything worked well until this stage. After that I aligned the submodes in order to generate a...

I'm having trouble installing OpenSFM in Mac OS X 10.14 and 10.15. Everything works up until trying: python build. I cannot figure out how to get pass this. Can...


I have followed the building instructions and it seems like OpenSFM installed on my system without errors. But when I run `bin/opensfm_run_all data/berlin`, I get the following error message: ```...

I get the following error when I try to build OpenSFM with `python3 build`: ``` Configuring for python 3.6... -- A library with BLAS API found. -- A library...

Is it possible to have this PR also work for the DJI P1 sensor (M300 drone)? _Originally posted by @summitbri in

I'm seeking guidance on representing position (Euclidean X, Y, Z) and orientation (Omega, Phi, Kappa) data in the `exif_overrides.json` file for image metadata. This example exists in the documentation but...

Great job! I'm trying to use opensfm to reconstruct 360 images I followed the official tutorial and successfully reconstructed the collected 360 images. My configuration file is as follows: ’‘’...