Manel Clos

Results 18 issues of Manel Clos

> [email protected] install /private/var/folders/69/967xtl1x08jf3rxsgvcnhtl80000gn/T/apm-install-dir-116217-13744-1h7ofs4/node_modules/rst-preview/node_modules/highlights/node_modules/first-mate/node_modules/oniguruma > node-gyp rebuild npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: the module is now available as 'css-select' npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: the module is now available as 'css-what' npm...

Hi, Could you please update pypi with 1.8.1? Thanks!

Hi there, This is a tricky one, it took a while to debug :) I was getting ContentNotRenderedError (The response content must be rendered before it can be accessed.) when...

Currently using with '/path/?param=value' produces a `show_more`link to '/path/?param=value?page=2'

When using import-export 3.0, the export action in the changelist does not allow resource selection. I think we should add the support to complete the multi resource feature. @matthewhegarty...


**Describe the bug** Changes on the dataset are detected if using the admin to import a dataset. Programmatic import shows no differences. **To Reproduce** CharField with null value in the...


Hi! When exporting a FloatField, DecimalField, etc. the result uses the `.` as decimal separator. I was just wondering if instead, it should use the decimal separator for `LANGUAGE_CODE` defined...

good first time issue

**Describe the bug** If a ManyToMany field of the resource contains changes and `skip_unchanged = True`, those changes are not checked and the rows are therefore ignored. **To Reproduce** Steps...


Allow creating a "lib" mode in which you have a "lib" directory with some index.js exporting some classes. I'm currently doing this by modifying the entry and output config of...

Hi, would you consider this small change?