Manel Clos

Results 69 comments of Manel Clos

Hi, I'm also missing this. The PR is 3 months old, is the project still being maintained?

Hi @mukerem it is working for me on Django 3.2 using drf-api-tracking==1.8.0

Hi @shaurov I see that the commas are separated from the text, like there is an extra space on the data. Can you try removing it? or create your own...

I'd say that import-export won't create related models for you, they must exist already. You can write your own widget and create them if needed.

Looks like a bug to me if it is trying to import a column that is not specified in the configuration :)

The [`Field`]( class already has a `default` parameter to set the preferred value when an [`empty_value`]( is found. The original issue is about different behaviour when importing from a management...

Hi @matthewhegarty, just tried your PR and it works as you say. When all fields other than `isbn` are equal, you get an update, and with your code it changes...

Hi @matthewhegarty, I've setup the failing scenario in the admin import test, but I'm unable to reproduce, I always get None on "isbn" field both for `instance` and `original`. I...

Hi @vincentwhales, no specific option right now. But you can easily use a different Result class in Resource, see get_result_class ( Then you can have result.has_errors() return False, and if...

Hi @qwertystop, I think it would make more sense to only load the ones need, this is, expand the filter in to handle more than one field.