Making Sound Machines

Results 7 comments of Making Sound Machines

I'm using them in a serial hp -> lp setting, using two different instances of the filter so I can set an upper and lower cutoff with resonance (a bit...

I've been researching a little but for now all I have are clues. I'll still leave them here. I asked a friend whos been working in audio DSP for a...

There's a Faust branch for Daisy here and a Faust Architecture File for Daisy lives here:

I'm having some issues with the ADenv as it is right now: - with long release times, a decay tied to a pot (via parameter) will sometimes get "stuck" and...

A lower limit for segment values of 0.0005 (for ADENV_SEG_ATTACK / ADENV_SEG_DECAY) fixed the issues I was having.

A great source of inspiration is the MIDI lib used by Teensy: I often look here when I need a specific snippet of code for MIDI output.

Would the first Sysex look to the parser as having no content? So be parsed as Start - End - End - End but the parser expect an actual value?...