DaisySP copied to clipboard
Faust example: include original Faust DSP code
Hey everyone,
suggestion for the Faust Noise example (and all other future Faust examples): include the Faust DSP code in a way that the Faust patch can be previewd in the Faust IDE - faustide.grame.fr.
Also a small tutorial how to wrap the Faust Architecture File for Daisy around which type of export from the IDE (c++ code I suppose?) would be awesome!
There's a Faust branch for Daisy here https://github.com/grame-cncm/faust/tree/daisy and a Faust Architecture File for Daisy lives here: https://github.com/grame-cncm/faust/tree/daisy/architecture/daisy
Yeah, this is very much underway. The existing faust example was sent to me as a proof of concept of using an early version of the faust2daisy utility. I don't think I actually have the original Faust DSP.
However, it's a great idea to have this in there as well.
Once the Faust utility and architecture file are finalized we'll be setting up a dedicated folder in DaisyExamples with a number of FAUST examples for the various breakout boards, etc.