Hello @imisra @liudaxia96, First Thanks to the Author for this awesome work. If you don't mind guide me or give me some help on how to use my own data....
hello, @ThomasVercetti , Have you found a way to use pointnet2 for the prediction of single input? I would appreciate if you could share with me or provide any help...
@Kingxudong is it possible if you to share the succeed procedure for converting to onnx format? and thank you in advance.
@morimkb , Hi there, I am also interested in implementing inference segmentation. would mind providing me with any details on how to make the train and then use the...
@houlili1357-9 , have you been able to convert votenet to onnx, if so please share with me.
@Ademord, hello, I hope you are doing well. I also want to implement Votenet for inference in real-time or with new data. if possible if you have found how or...
> @GlimSH! Onnx conversion is not supported yet! I will add this module soon. Hello, @RizwanMunawar , thank you for this awesome repository and code. is the onnx conversion ready...
@ooooohhhhhxxx , have you been able to predict your own data, if so please let me know how? thank you in advance.
hello prof,@oshita-n, thank you for your help and response to me and the others. I am trying to predict my new data with the partseg code, however, I am confused...
hello @jasmineytt , If possible can you share with me the way you can do the test on your own data? I am trying to do inference for the piontnet...