Pointnet_Pointnet2_pytorch icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Pointnet_Pointnet2_pytorch copied to clipboard


Open wangyaxin1998 opened this issue 2 years ago • 6 comments

我将输入固定为BCN 然后用torch.onnx.export但无法转换成功,有没有大佬可以提供方法?

wangyaxin1998 avatar May 09 '22 12:05 wangyaxin1998

I could have succeeded by fixing the input, but failed with dynamic input

Kingxudong avatar Feb 18 '23 02:02 Kingxudong

@Kingxudong is it possible if you to share the succeed procedure for converting to onnx format? and thank you in advance.

madinwei avatar Mar 06 '23 01:03 madinwei

参考这个大佬写的https://github.com/michael0218/Pointnet_Pointnet2_pytorch_onnx @madinwei

VictorQuan2023 avatar Dec 05 '23 09:12 VictorQuan2023