Results 8 issues of mAGLAVE

Hi again, I have a problem when I run iS-CellR: ``` Computing nearest neighbor graph Computing SNN Modularity Optimizer version 1.3.0 by Ludo Waltman and Nees Jan van Eck Number...

Hi, Thanks you for your tool! But I had a problem with the installation: ``` [...] Loading required package: threejs Loading required package: dashboardthemes Error : With R version 3.5...

![Capture du 2020-08-18 13-44-57]( Hello, The section to get the list of cells in each cluster is placed in the t-SNE part. But it would also be necessary for UMAP...

![Capture du 2020-08-17 14-27-13]( ![Capture du 2020-08-17 14-56-24]( Hello, When the script uses "read.csv()", it converts "-" to "." in colnames, so when it makes the seurat object it ignores...

Hello, In the "PCA Plot" tab, when we have done the ICA and we change the axes of the ICA, it also changes the axes of the PCA.

Hello, it's me again. Another suggestion for improvement: To select the cells according to nCount_RNA in the "VlnPlot (Filter Cells)" tab. Filtering on nFeature_RNA eliminates heterotypic doublets (2 different cell...

Hello, Thank you for creating this tool. I would like to present it during a course for biologists. However, I have a problem in the analysis and I want to...

Hello, I have an issue when I run snaptools align-paired-end. It fails to open bam file. Code: ``` sample_name="pSCHKA_ATAC" output="/mnt/beegfs/scratch/bioinfo_core/B22005_NADR_02/data_output/" output_dex_concat=${output}"fastq_dex_concat/" output_alignment=${output}"SNAPtools_alignment_delgz/" mkdir -p ${output_alignment} snaptools align-paired-end \ --input-reference="/mnt/beegfs/scratch/bioinfo_core/B22005_NADR_02/data_output/bwa_delgz/0.7.17-r1188/homo_sapiens/GRCh38/Ensembl/r99/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa" \...