Marc Foley

Results 158 comments of Marc Foley

Thanks for the detailed issue. What happens if you ttx the stat tables then diff them? ``` ttx -t 'STAT' path/to/good_font.ttf ttx -t 'STAT' path/to/bad_font.ttf vimdiff path/to/good_font.ttx path/to/bad_font.ttx // use...

Perhaps the issue doesn't involve the STAT, maybe it's the fvar instances. Both the auto stat and your gen-stat script will update the fvar instances so they include postscript names,...

Personally, I would like Indesign to work without the need for us to add fvar postscript instance names and nameID 25. However, our module can already generate these names,...

Another solution would be to just use Selenium on each platform that we care about via github actions. This would be the least disruptive imo.

Thanks for both the issue and PR. Are you planning on using gftools to release families which may have Condensed/Expanded styles etc? I'm afraid atm, this isn't possible. I'd be...

Our name records and bit settings are specific to Google Fonts. They may not follow best practices. However, please note that Source Sans, Source Serif etc also do not contain...

@moontypespace do you know of any repercussions for not enabling the bit, even if the family only contains normal widths?

> Isn’t this what Marc is working on with the axis registry stuff? It is. However, we already have a function which will do what you want. It'll only include...

The only downside to the current implementation is that it doesn't allow you to specify what the other other axis values should be for each instance. It will simply use...