Michael Gangolf

Results 228 issues of Michael Gangolf

In Ti-Slack someone mentioned, that there could be problems with push under Oreo: missing NotificationChannel. It is related to this SO thread: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45711925/failed-to-post-notification-on-channel-null-target-api-is-26 Since I don't have an Oreo phone...


**Issue** I'm using Header/Footer builder in combination with Polylang and setup a custom footer for both of my languages. But only the latest language is used as a footer. **My...


Would it be possible to switch from camera mode to video recording and start it?

Currently it is only possible to create a notification channel but not to delete it. ```js var channel = Ti.Android.NotificationManager.createNotificationChannel({ id: 'my_channel', name: 'TEST CHANNEL', importance: Ti.Android.IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT }) Ti.Android.NotificationManager.deleteNotificationChannel('my_channel') //

* exclude example folder from dist zip * clean build folder (currently only dist folder was cleaned) Advantages: * when building modules with bigger examples like https://github.com/tidev/ti.compression/pull/250 it won't include...

resolves https://github.com/tidev/titanium_mobile/issues/11068 Using camel-case for `maxMemory` CLI + tiapp.xml property. **Before** tiapp.xml uses `android.javac.maxmemory` and CLI used `android.javac.maxMemory` **After** both use `android.javac.maxMemory` **Test** * add `1G` to your tiapp.xml *...

Expose the `color` property to change the text color of the Picker: ![Screenshot_20220914-205518](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4334997/190239267-dc5524f9-2422-48e9-8b24-436f2b913027.png) ```js Ti.UI.backgroundColor = 'white'; var win = Ti.UI.createWindow(); var picker = Ti.UI.createPicker({ borderStyle: Ti.UI.INPUT_BORDERSTYLE_NONE, backgroundColor: "#000", color:...

Update the shared element transition example for Android in the Window docs https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4334997/189544592-42991237-4995-4bed-b361-92ea1b0fc0a1.mp4

Adds a quick way to filter out lines in the android log using `ti config` New key: `cli.ignoreLog = []` if one of the lines is in the log line...