Michael Gangolf

Results 228 issues of Michael Gangolf

Just some Android Studio spell checking :smile: ![Screenshot_20240516_133614](https://github.com/tidev/titanium-sdk/assets/4334997/9e054cfe-acc3-468b-a215-ec95b11e4c27) most of them are config/build files or variables but inside the normal files I've fixed the issues. Mostly comments but some log...

By default all views/items will have say "double click to activate and for a long press double click and hold". Most items don't use a long press/click so it would...

When using a custom Ti.UI.Textfield for a search view the `noresults` event is not fired. The issue is that it is just checking for `filterQuery` which is not set when...

In the [CameraX PR](https://github.com/tidev/titanium-sdk/pull/12395/) I've accidentally removed the normal overlay switchCamera method after adding the code for the CameraX switchCamera: Old diff: https://github.com/tidev/titanium-sdk/pull/12395/files#diff-e4ed05264b4abd4321aa6dc1038e0d1e5151cecb0deca2057315ccfff9e8c296L1421-L1426 **Test:** ``` var win = Ti.UI.createWindow(); win.addEventListener("click",...

Currently `console.log()`, `console.warn()` and `console.error()` are displayed in production builds. This PR will remove that. ```js Ti.API.info("#### api info") Ti.API.warn("#### api warn") Ti.API.error("#### api error") console.log("#### console log") console.warn("#### console...


PR created in: - [x] https://github.com/tidev/docs-devkit/ - [x] https://github.com/tidev/liveview/ - [x] https://github.com/tidev/module-search-www/ - [x] https://github.com/tidev/node-appc/ - [x] https://github.com/tidev/node-ios-device/ - [x] https://github.com/tidev/node-titanium-sdk/ - [ ] https://github.com/tidev/socket.io-client-swift/ - [x] https://github.com/tidev/ti.admob/ - [x]...

So we can find them better in the github search (and maybe use it for gittio) we should add tags/topics to the repos. for our modules: `titanium-module`, `titanium-sdk` for the...

looks like there is a file that collects all image types in the build process and `webp` was not an option in there :) Downside: if you use `assets/android/images/res-xxxhdpi/` with...


original PR: https://github.com/tidev/titanium-sdk/pull/11571 settings were added because of CPU performance. _I didn't change any settings_ but Android Studio adds some new properties now by default and this way it won't...


### I have searched and made sure there are no existing issues for the issue I am filing - [X] I have searched the existing issues ### Description Think it...

needs triage