Michael Gangolf

Results 228 issues of Michael Gangolf

Would it be possible to add a different arrow style: ![](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/3b8c44089da79868cb45a4da372f2eaae0f3341b/687474703a2f2f3764397069632e636f6d312e7a302e676c622e636c6f7564646e2e636f6d2f627562626c65775f766965772e706e67) (left/right arrow)

recompiled the module with ti.playservice module version (11.0.4) so it will work in combination with firebase.modules. Make sure to use it with: ``` ti.ga firebase.core ti.playservices ``` binary: https://github.com/benbahrenburg/Ti.GA/blob/c66a7fc772e55b43f26d9c584d79b4039a9d2f4e/android/dist/ti.ga-android-4.0.2.zip

![drag](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/4334997/5243039/246c4766-793f-11e4-84f0-5bd137405b91.gif) Setup is like this: ``` var all = Ti.UI.View({width:600,height:100}); var handle = Draggable.createView({ width:20, height:100, backgroundColor:"#f00", right:0, top:0, draggableConfig : { axis:"y", ensureRight : true, ensureBottom : true, maps:...

Would it be possible to scan the tss file for unused objects (not used in xml) and highlight them?

I don't really understand the purpose of this page :smile: So let me ask some questions/give some suggestions: * why does it need my country? That info is very suspicious...


Adding the decoder for Titanium mobile to the README

### Prerequisites - [X] I have searched for similar issues in both open and closed tickets and cannot find a duplicate. - [X] The issue still exists against the latest...


### Prerequisites - [X] I have searched for similar issues in both open and closed tickets and cannot find a duplicate. - [X] The issue still exists against the latest...


It would be good to have the option to add a box without an arrow like this ![](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/46d660a29b6022b65bc64423af3c9fe01463e74d/687474703a2f2f70756e6a616274726962756e652e636f6d2f77702d636f6e74656e742f75706c6f6164732f323031352f30362f68616e676f75742d31353038783730365f632e6a7067) (I asked the same on the android port so it would be...

Hi, in my setup I use a looped centered slider with a "click to move" method. https://codepen.io/pter_st/pen/xxyaWyg I scale the item in the middle and left some boilerplate code in...