Michael Gangolf

Results 266 comments of Michael Gangolf

found the same for flutter: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/78228441/firebase-core-found-duplicate-classes-no-package-id-7a-found-for-id-0x7a0b https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/136286 but no answer there. The SO post uses firebase too so that might be a common thing here. Don't see anything in there...

can you check https://github.com/tidev/titanium-identity/pull/309 Shouldn't crash at that place now.

some new ones in: https://github.com/appcelerator/atom-appcelerator-titanium/pull/517

sounds good too! Didn't know that the parameters can just be grabbed like this `cli.argv['project-dir']` :+1: Since VSCode was working correctly I thought it would be easier to have the...

@janvennemann you can run `npm run lint` to make dangerJS happy :smile:

@hansemannn sorry, it's `npm run format` to fix the linting. `npm run lint` is just to check it again

I have to do some testing but the first round was very good and I was able to build kitchensink an my app now :+1: Review will follow once I...

> What sort of testing do we need to do to get this over the finish line? :+1: @cb1kenobi I would love to split this up into smaller steps as...

ah yes, sorry. I always start it with a shortcut, forgot to add all parameters to the example. I use `ti build -p ios -T foo` and then the menu...

@berutas can you please test the version you'll find at the bottom of this page: https://github.com/tidev/titanium-sdk/actions/runs/8695958494 Download the zip file and install it with `ti sdk install filename.zip`. Then in...