Michael Gangolf

Results 266 comments of Michael Gangolf

It's the URL encoding. Use `https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e8/Barry_Edward_O'Meara,_holding_a_copy_of_his_book,_A_Voice_From_St._Helena_(1822).jpg` and it works

Would also like to see more FILL options e.g. FILL with left side at 0 on Android! It should be possible with `this.imageView.setScaleType(ImageView.ScaleType.MATRIX);` but I wasn't successful in creating a...

Tested it in my firebase test app ``` console.log("remoteNotificationsEnabled", Ti.Network.remoteNotificationsEnabled); ``` The new push implementation is strange :smile: Even when I have it off I was able to send a...

Tested it on an Andorid 8 device. `Ti.Network.remoteNotificationsEnabled` returns true (as expected) :+1:

you're right! the `remoteNotificationsEnabled` is only one part since we have the new Android 13 permission now. I've change the title.

Sorry, missed the notification! Will have a look at it :+1: **material-components** is the latest version already https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.google.android.material/material?repo=google (1.6.1). The rest is still alpha

Found two libs that have a newer version. Will test that together. Rest looks update to date (I've checked those in a different PR before)

First quick tests (firebase push test app, my climbing app) looked good: permission check was shown, app works fine (I have a version of my app in store already with...

Merge it :rocket: Hopefully more people will test the next RC to get some more feedback from other apps.

Using this demo code: ```js let navigationWindow = null; const parentWindow = Ti.UI.createWindow({ title: "Parent Window" }); const openButton = Ti.UI.createButton({ title: "Show Date Picker" }); openButton.addEventListener("click", () => {...