
Results 7 issues of Lutalli

Hi, This plugin is working pretty well for me, but I wonder if I can enable auto indent not only for standard HTML tags (like ``, ``, ``, etc.), but...

**这不是一个 bug report,而是一个指出了出现此问题原因的 post,希望能帮助遇到同样问题的用户。** ## 问题描述 我尝试了按照 README 中用 vim-plug 安装的第一种方法(without Node.js and Yarn)安装插件: ```vim Plug 'iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim', { 'do': { -> mkdp#util#install() }, 'for': ['markdown', 'vim-plug']} ``` 但是插件安装完成后 post-update hook...

Hi, How about adding a preview block, which shows the result of the real-time rendering from the message's source code? It would be neat since then I could directly check...


**Describe the bug** It's a quite weird bug: On macOS, when Neovide is in fullscreen, and when I switch from Neovide to other fullscreen apps and switch back (like using...


While viewing the list of all mappings - opened by `:map` for example - parts of the code are highlighted too dark and the contrast is too low, especially the...


Currently the placeholder is marked by the character `#`. This is usually an invalid character in math mode and causes the preview of display math equations to be temporarily shown...

At now if any error occurs it will only show a small broken image icon indicating there is something wrong, without any detailed error message. It would be cool if...