这是 WSL2 的问题。目前我见到两种简单方法: 一、问题出现时,在控制台运行 ```fish > wsl.exe --shutdown ``` 然后重新启动 WSL。 二、可以索性转到 WSL1。在 WSL 之外(比如通过 PowerShell)运行: ```fish > wsl --set-version 1 ``` 其中 `` 是你正在运行的 WSL 版本名称,可以通过 ```fish > wsl...
We could make that preview area hidable or switchable with the edit area (like Markdown editors from many websites), so that the UI could still stay clean.
That's not what I meant - what I wish is that we could have a preview for the render result of **the message that we are currently editing**. In this...
I think we can also introduce something like `Ctrl + Enter` (on Windows) or `Command + Enter` (on Mac) just like in Visual Studio Code, which functions _only_ for starting...
Still getting the issue from 2024 and [the fix]( mentioned by `wam` above worked for me.
Not a direct solution to this bug, but the workaround I use for now is to make Neovide **maximalized framelessly**, instead of fullscreen. It has the same visual effect as...
+1! And it's more than 3 years. I think this feature would bring much convenience.