Ryan Hileman

Results 195 comments of Ryan Hileman

Okay, so glUseProgram(0) will mean "emulate fixed pipeline". I'll think about the design a bit. I'm also not sure what happens when you load vertices while a shader is active....

if glRotate() happens after the vertex shader, then we just need to append relevant matrix ops to the output of each vertex shader. GL_BLEND is supported in ES 2.x so...

BOOM, spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-kNLvmh08Vg_k6sbjMhw20YOY7gBHndSgLVE0KTjU2k ERROR_IN_BLOCK in notes = violates this issue

This is in progress at https://github.com/lunixbochs/glshim/tree/matrix

Nope, just make sure to do lights too: http://www.opengl.org/archives/resources/faq/technical/lights.htm

Sauerbraten might not remote render until this is fixed.

Probably either `cmake -DUNSAFE_BUT_FAST=1` or individual flags like `cmake -DFLUSH_WRITES=1`

setting up argv is like two instructions, while "flush all open file handles" is actually a ton of work and potentially many syscalls.