Ryan Hileman

Results 195 comments of Ryan Hileman

+1, I want to bind egui to python but the callback approach is much worse than something I can wrap in a context manager I'm imagining this to prototype it:...

I did a survey of how egui tends uses the inner responses internally after calling add_contents. It mostly accesses the rect and propagates the closure's return value up. - menu.rs...

This is incomplete, but I'm working on a concept here: 1. Playing around with a Context Manager API: https://gist.github.com/rust-play/8667abe111edeb90bca9a44687ecdca4 2. Working on structurally wiring some of the ui api up...

This approach seems somewhat clean for defining the cleanup function at call sites: https://gist.github.com/rust-play/5dbf90f3c22fcec9ce0de00cb87f4273 If necessary the Context object could be either dynamic or templated, allowing each specific call site...

> we might as well check if the new api will be suitable to write bindings Yes, I'm specifically doing this for PyO3. (Technically you could probably bind to the...

I started a port here: https://github.com/talonvoice/egui/tree/no-callback I ported everything in ui.rs to my context manager approach, with a `_ctx` method suffix. I modified all of the `add_contents` methods to use...

I just registered `#unicorn-engine` on Freenode, can give ownership to @aquynh (and perhaps it could go in documentation or the website?) I support your method of running both hooks from...

@farmdve do you mind if I take 6648e41ab987bbf46301e1458fa1d4a169cae1df, port it to the hook refactor, and PR it? is there anything missing from that commit?

I think register names should be lowercase here