Ryan Hileman

Results 195 comments of Ryan Hileman

Was that the only program output? Please paste the entire log.

No, I mean the program's output.

If the only message from glxgears whatsoever is "couldn't get an RGB, Double buffered visual" then glshim is not being used.

Does es2gears work? If you're using glshim properly, "couldn't get an RGB, Double buffered visual" should not be the only message from glxgears. Does `ldd /usr/bin/glxgears` point to your installed...

mesa-utils-extra? learn to use apt-file or google "which debian package contains es2gears"

You don't have working OpenGL ES drivers, so this isn't a glshim problem. If you do have drivers installed: are you running this over SSH? You need to at least...

Not a glshim problem :) Ask the raspberry pi folks.

Just coming back to this now. I did some ablation testing with both of our codebases and swapping basically every combination of the components made almost no difference in speed....

The shm is unlinked as soon as both sides open it. Will need to pass a new shm file. Maybe write a length of -1, followed by pascal string containing...

But libgl_remote _is_ usually a child process. Thanks for the suggestion! I'll definitely try a few things. Right now I'm working on completely removing client-side allocations (I figured out how...