Logan McDonald
Logan McDonald
@sporkmonger thanks for filing this bug! This is definitely something useful to look into. Are you planning on exploring fixing this? If not, we will look to assign this internally.
Other note: Let's print the configuration settings with all hosts and it's allowed groups on startup. This logic could be cleaned up to error better and log on startup too...
See #101 as well
@cotarg is looking into places where logging could be more clear this week and we're hoping to tackle debugging related to #125. We also always welcome community contributions if you...
Thanks @weeco, a table is a great suggestion. We'll put this on our radar and get a PR out for it soon.
@eriksw yes! We have looked into using Prometheus as well. Ideally we'd love to support both. Contributions on this front are more than welcome!
This is not a feature that we intend to implement so we are going to remove the confusing environment variable. Thanks for flagging this @bertjwregeer.
Thanks for filing this ticket. We will look into this behavior.