@LoicAG I tested, works like a charm.
Hello @AlexVanchov, Did you implement a getPositions function? I could not find it in changes.
Hello @jiruisong @souravGuptaSg, Did you find a solution? About the resolver, I added a configmap to fix the issue: ``` kind: ConfigMap apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: nginx-config namespace: nginx-ingress data:...
Hello @pdabelf5, I created [this issue]( to describe the current situation.
@danielnginx I will create a PR on this repository. Do I have to close this one? I don't see any link with Kubernetes-ingress.
@danielnginx Done
@danielnginx The PR created on OIDC repository does not include operators changes. This PR needs to be merged.
@danielnginx Do you have any news on this PR?
> Did the snippet solution work for you @llomgui? Hello, no the solution is to override oidc.conf file using a mounted configmap. The snippet only override the VS part, not...