Laura Harris
Laura Harris
Mass gwas-curator emails generated by the curation app upon status change are causing issues for systems. This needs addressing to generate only a single email when the publication page is...
An old study GCST0009104 is stuck in published/unpublished state This needs cleaning up to release the data
User request: I was wondering if you are planning to (or maybe already is) release the abbreviation list[] as a downloadable flat file? We would like to systematically resolve the...
The number of sumstats (equal to the sum of the number of rows in the published + unpublished sumstats tables) should be shown wherever we show summary data for the...
Updated submission docs for reported trait
Two options to be investigated: 1. Modify the UI alone including server-side pagination, retaining existing underlying framework 2. Modify the underlying framework as well as the UI. Modifications should improve...
Investigate whether Daniel's prototype Diagram has all the required features (including lazy loading) and estimate how much work would be required to deploy for testing.
As requested from feedback on the format, add an optional field to the metadata with header SEX and accepted values M/F/combined/NR
User story: As a curator I need to be able to bulk unpublish all studies of a publication without needing developer input. This is not possible using the curation app....