Laura Harris
Laura Harris
@earlEBI @jdhayhurst Can I just clarify what this ticket is waiting for? Are the split sumstats available yet? Are we still waiting for EFOs?
@ala-ebi is this the same issue that you recently fixed?
Obsolete terms now seem to persist in the Catalog with "obsolete_" in the trait name e.g. We need a process to catch these and update them [Separate ticket for...
@ala-ebi it would be useful to include James M in any discussion with the EFO team is using EFO but not sure who the contact person is. Daniel Suveges would be a good place to start for Open Targets. Also HCA, Tony Burdett
Irene Lopez is the right person for Open Targets
To be released
This **must** include published sumstats, **should** include published + prepublished
This was reported again by a user on 26 May 2022
Same issue as goci#577?