Louis Burtz
Louis Burtz
Hello and thank you for plotjuggler's amazingness I understand features take lots of time to implement, just adding to the voices of users above (to nudge towards -> "It has...
Understood and fair point. I wish I could be a sponsor, maybe one day, maybe somehow! Would you also support a pull request? Would you give a pointer to the...
hello I have the same issue on Nodebox3, on MACOS exporting to svg and opening in Adobe Illustrator, I loose all color (all shapes are just black). also no alpha...
(solved by exporting to PDF from Nodebox3) correctly imported into Illustrator: vector information is perfect (shapes colors and transparency)
I committed the entire script I created for my use case. I understand that this creates several unsuccessful checks. I guess the intent is that only the utility function create_marker()...
IMU messages are important to debug/develop localization applications = huge use case for foxglove currently using the RVIZ display and the plotjuggler automatic calculation of roll / pitch / yaw...
great to see the work happening for this feature, much appreciated. to contribute to the thinking -> an important use case related to the xmin / xmax is when plotting...
Maybe in foxglove parlance these types of x/y plots are a separate panel type? Something closer to the Map panel? But not using a NavSatFix message (longitude / latitude) but...
this issue also adrresses the feature request in #1393 of 1 year ago! :pray:
same here 26 days later