I would like to know if this design can be targeted on Alveo u50 xilinx_u50_gen3x16_xdma_5_202210_1 platform?
When I do “make all”, I seem to get the same error on HLS ip cores as seen below. WARNING: [Vivado 12-3523] Attempt to change 'Component_Name' from 'axis_256_to_64_converter' to 'axis_256to_64_converter'...
**For Vivado questions, please use [Vivado forum](** **For Vitis questions, please use [the Vitis forum](** **For Vitis questions, please use [the Vitis forum](** **For pynq questions, please...
I would like to run and simulate the verilog-ethernet design. I have installed cocotb, cocotb-test, however I am not clear on how to run the tests for this design and...
I want to run the simulation tests for this design , however I am unable to run the test with the command "make WAVES=1". I get below error. FST warning:...
Is there any block diagram available for this design? Currently only module descriptions are available and it would be helpful to understand the design with a block diagram to understand...
Hi, I came across your design as I am looking for a Ethernet design with UDP listener to be implemented on FPGA. I have a Alveo u50 card installed in...