lita-slack icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
lita-slack copied to clipboard

A Slack adapter for Lita.

Results 44 lita-slack issues
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## This is a continuation of the conversation at: At the moment, any messages larger than MAX_MESSAGE_BYTES are dropped, with an exception raised: It would be preferred in...

Hello, I'm trying out the lita templating functionality using the slack adapter but can't seem to get the URL handling to work. I'm using the following code in my .erb...

#53 refers to a presence_change event, which I'm interested in tracking, as well. Is there a reason that [this block]( couldn't publish the event anyway? If no handler is subscribed...

I am having issues getting this plugin to work and setting the log level to debug is not displaying any information at all ``` [2015-05-12 13:41:33 UTC] WARN: Lita::Handler.default_config is...