lita-slack icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
lita-slack copied to clipboard

A Slack adapter for Lita.

Results 44 lita-slack issues
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We often need to attach text dumps to our bot replies. This PR adds a `send_file_content` method to handle this. It uses the `content` argument of Slack's [files.upload API call](,...


Given a message from Slack like: `FYI test` Lita will receive the message as: `FYI test` I would expect it to receive: `FYI @imps test` or preferably `FYI test` per...

The intent of this pull request is to allow handlers to be able to observe other events such as `presence_change`. This changes the default behavior of sending unhandled events to...

my slack lita bot will not respond in the channel in which I make the request, Instead it responds privately in the "APPS" section of the slack interface. The bot...

Please see: Now the handling of attachments would be much more consistent. Besides what mentioned in the issue above, I've converted supported message subtypes from a method to a...

Hi! Current implementation does not have any insights in messages that contain attachments, like this: ![image]( It does not even see the starting piece `Event starting in 5 minutes:`, but...

I'm on CentOS 7, Now I get following error: $ lita [WARNING] MultiJson is using the default adapter (ok_json).We recommend loading a different JSON library to improve performance. terminate called...

If we have A LOT of users, and especially if we're leveraging the :slack_user_created event triggered by UserCreator.create_user, the Slack Websocket can "time out." We only have 30 seconds to...

This one is a bit weird I admit, but our Slack team have over 1200 users and 1000 channels. So the insertion on boot actually takes 2 good seconds. Which...

Fixes hmset issue in #57. The hmset method expects an even length Array. Any empty array in the metadata hash will be ejected when it's flattened.