lita-slack icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
lita-slack copied to clipboard

A Slack adapter for Lita.

Results 44 lita-slack issues
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Can we support slack slash commands? Slash commands in Slack has some benefits over the way we are doing today: - They work everywhere (PVT, channels, private channels, etc) -...


Based on what I am seeing none of the slack metadata is added to the user object in lita. Was there an issue with the following: that caused this...

I'm trying to write a plugin that listens for someone to use '@here' in a channel. It would then compare them against a specific group, and if they're not in...

Steps to reproduce: 1. Connect your Lita bot to Slack 2. Create a private room and invite your boot 3. Execute a handler that will try `Lita::Room.find_by_id(`, you get a...


Context: this is ported over from a conversation at It seems that the [Slack RTM connection]( always re-receives the last message that was sent by Lita when restarting the...


I have the following code in custom handler. ``` ruby response.reply("First message") response.reply("Second message") ``` and in Slack most of the times I see ``` Second message First message ```...


We are having an issue where the double quote in slack autoformats to different character. From `"` to `“` This is how it was resolved in hubot. Can we look...


When changing your `username` in Slack, `lita-slack` will leave your old "mention name" around. At that point you'll have multiple `lita.users.metion_name.*` entries pointing to your Slack UID. If you then...


Slack sometimes kicks all clients for a given team off to migrate them to another server. The lita-slack handler does not appear to try a reconnect after this occurs ```...

By default, anyone can invite Lita into any Slack channel. In certain environments this may be undesirable. For example, one might want to extend Lita to perform dangerous operations and...
