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A Slack adapter for Lita.

Results 44 lita-slack issues
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I noticed that emails were not being passed into the response object. I think the issue lies within the SlackUser object: Currently this function: ``` def initialize(id, name, real_name,...


Added a way to get profile information into the lita user object. More values can also follow the same convention to add more items.

Name ("real name" in Slack) and mention name ("username" in Slack) should be automatically assigned with the values in the Slack integration config when the bot connects.

For example, if `config.adapters.slack.parse` is set to` full`, ``` Lita.configure do |config| … config.robot.adapter = :slack config.adapters.slack.parse = "full" … end ``` Is it possible to switch temporarily when replying?...

The trigger should be happening here:

In order to make a greeting plugin, I need the `team_join` event. This is my attempt at adding support for it.

## Explanation This PR adds suppor to slack messages with buttons inside the attachments For the tests I take the example on

After upgrading our branch to include 1.8.0 AND #64, our Lita bot stopped responding to messages from other bots. This is because `bot_message` is not in the whitelist of supported...

I am seeing my lita bot randomly drop off of scout. I turned on debug logging and see this. Not sure what other info i can grab to help. Looks...


Slack supports links to user-groups/sub-teams, of the form: ``. This seems to be the least invasive method to support this in a way that has a chance of supporting similar...