
Results 16 comments of junwei

https://github.com/jagracey/Awesome-Unicode/pull/16 is doing the same thing, but somehow the empty lines surrounding the link is required and not working as expected

Fix https://github.com/jagracey/Awesome-Unicode/issues/17

Removal of the `` tag resolved the issue. https://github.com/liijunwei/Awesome-Unicode/commit/3fa2f41619d446a776225425220b030fcf9dcd1f But I'm not quite sure the intention for adding that tag. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48843657/160514054-83eb8ec3-6b5c-4030-9160-ccf36f18f84a.png)

> When using in API only mode, running `rails g audit_log:install` will result in `method_missing': undefined method `assets' for #

Tried to reproduce and got same result as https://github.com/msiemens/PyGitUp/issues/93#issuecomment-508232072

> [斗胆试着再简练下:我们鄙视那些发问前不思考也不做功课的伸手党,他们只会白白浪费我们时间,而时间本该用在更有趣、更值得回答的问题上。](https://github.com/ryanhanwu/How-To-Ask-Questions-The-Smart-Way/issues/52#issuecomment-552293057) 我们毫无歉意地敌视那些发问前不思考也不做功课的伸手党,他们只会白白浪费我们时间,而时间本该用在更有趣、更值得回答的问题上。 我建议 保留"unapologetically" 和 "hostile"的意思

这个在[LadderOperator的提交里](https://github.com/ryanhanwu/How-To-Ask-Questions-The-Smart-Way/commit/ed6511eb9e9100047e86fba0429ac358155de199)已经改好了, 建议关闭issue

Sorry about bringing this old issue up again, just wondering whether this issue needs further discusstion. I have a draft solution like following code snippet, and I'm glad to work...

Got it, thanks for replying, I think I'll put it on hold

hello @bf4 , sorry about pinging directly, could you take a look when you have a moment ? 🙏