Leroy Hopson
Leroy Hopson
With regards to visual snapshot testing, I recently created [this port of pixelmatch](https://github.com/lihop/godot-pixelmatch) with the intention of using it for visual regression testing. I'm using it with Gut in [this...
I also encountered this problem. There is an issue for it on the main Godot project: https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/41882.
The link to the quill documentation above is confusing because it contains updates for quill v2.0 in which the `matchVisual` option [has been removed](https://github.com/quilljs/quill/blob/ee827ffb605ba491246f201d497ce0e7d9e193a0/docs/guides/upgrading-to-2-0.md#configuration). The documentation for the current stable...
Hi @diggernet, thanks for the suggestions! I'm currently focused on making the library run smoothly with Godot 4, but will consider them. > So first I need the ability to...
`get_cursor_pos()` is in the Godot4 branch now (https://github.com/lihop/godot-xterm/pull/60/commits/575c3875b619f8368c57959bdc7404fd6a17112e) and behaving as expected, although that branch is still a fair ways from being ready.
Holding off on merging this as the prettier v4 pre-commit hook runs substantially slower than v3.
Hi @ealione. Unfortunately not. It is still a work in progress. At one point I did get the branch (or a version close to it) working for Linux, but the...
@ealione Good news. The Linux version is now performing well, and I just successfully ran a build of the latest Godot4 branch on Windows! There is still a bit of...
Partially fixed by 98b42733fbeb9a27dcf0a69d3e929b9d43618540, but still many tests to fix.
I am not currently using Godot 4 and don't have time to port it, so no plans for the near future. However, if I start using Godot 4 and have...