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Entity Component System focused on usability and flexibility.

Results 12 shipyard issues
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This was discussed on Zulip, but isn't being actively worked on at the moment, so opening a tracking issue with @leudz blessing. I have no idea how difficult it would...

Hey there, I'm considering building a game engine on top of shipyard, but scripting support is essential. What I think I need is an API to shipyard that doesn't require...

It's possible to add empty components but they'll still use an `EntityId` per component and up to an `usize` per entity in the `World` (could go down with #10 if...


I've been working on a simulation project that heavily utilizes shipyard (great project!) and have come to a point where I struggle a little bit with code organization in quickly... use some bounds to make generic ViewMut iterator work, but I still can not make generic ViewMut with_id work: ```rust trait MutTrait { fn mutmut(&mut self); } fn expected(mut...

Hello, I've encountered an error where the tracking flag functions incorrectly when the inserted_or_modified flag is iterated frequently. I suspect this issue might be related to an overflow, but I'm...

Since 0e2d67ab125d83b800207e320afff7c6564a6a20, `IntoIter` now always yields `Mut` for mutable components. In the latest published release, this was only true for components with tracking enabled, e.g. using the derive macro with...

I've started a thread on zulip about a couple of choices I've made regarding scheduling. Any feedback is welcome, anyone can read the thread but you'll need an account to...

How to query a entity's component Set by a component value, not component type? Is ECS, such as shipyard, can handle this with high performance? Do this with Component Typed...