ROS_Pure_Pursuit copied to clipboard
Pure pursuit in pure ROS (Melodic)
Pure Pursuit
To run this project, you need to complete the localization and record the waypoints.
Here are two corresponding projects: ROS_NDT_Localizer for the localization and ROS_Waypoints_Processor for waypoints recording & loading :)
- Ubuntu 18.04
- ROS Melodic
- Waypoints record file (.txt format)
- RosBag for offline testing
/waypoints (nav_msgs::Path)
/odom (nav_msgs::Odometry) -
/cmd_acker (ackermann_msgs::AckermannDriveStamped)
/cmd_vel (geometry_msgs::Twist)
/lookahead (visualization_msgs::Marker)
How to use
Move the project into the ROS workspace (e.g. ~/ros_ws/src/)
Build the project in the ROS workspace
cd ros_ws/ catkin_make
Setup the configuration in pure_pursuit_node.launch
<arg name="wheel_base" default="1.0" doc="wheelbase"/> <arg name="lookahead_distance" default="4.0" doc="lookahead distance"/> <arg name="w_max" default="1.0" doc="max rotational velocity"/> <arg name="position_tolerance" default="0.1" doc="position tolerance"/> <arg name="delta_vel" default="100.0" doc="steering angle velocity"/> <arg name="acc" default="100.0" doc="acceleration"/> <arg name="jerk" default="100.0" doc="jerk"/> <arg name="delta_max" default="1.57" doc="steering angle limit"/> <arg name="map_frame_id" default="map" doc="map frame id"/> <arg name="robot_frame_id" default="base_link" doc="robot frame id"/> <arg name="lookahead_frame_id" default="lookahead" doc="lookahead frame id"/> <arg name="acker_frame_id" default="rear_axle_midpoint" doc="ackermann frame id"/>
Complete the localization and the waypoints loading steps, e.g. ROS_NDT_Localizer & ROS_Waypoints_Processor.
Run the Pure-Pursuit
Source the setup.bash
cd ros_ws source devel/setup.bash
Launch the Pure-Pursuit node
roslaunch pure_pursuit pure_pursuit_node.launch
Play the rosbag for offline testing
rosbag play offline_testing.bag
Subscribe the ackermann messages from the topic
.<!-- Demo --> --- header: seq: 224 stamp: secs: 1649337997 nsecs: 48033928 frame_id: '' drive: steering_angle: 0.270921677351 steering_angle_velocity: 100.0 speed: 0.10000000149 acceleration: 100.0 jerk: 100.0 ---
Part of the code refers to the open-sourced project Autoware