legion copied to clipboard
Legion monorepo, contains the legion engine, the tools, source control, build system etc...
## Summary Provide the engine features that are missing for the development of a demo using a 3rd person view. ## Current State The demos we have currently built have...
## Summary Saving .blend file directly in the engine (instead of the GLTF, for example) would simplify reimport of engine data for editing in Blender. ## Current State Currently files...
## Summary As a user, I want a proper layout by default and modular ## Current State Dynamic layout could be improved RB and Local change need polish (see Juan...
``` Change for node.name asap ``` https://github.com/legion-labs/legion/blob/3c7042bbcf983bcb1661da50b8b86889e7b92a9d/crates/lgn-graphics-renderer/src/core/render_graph/render_graph.rs#L1684
feedback from @vduboisdendien-legion. Merci!
icons in process list difficult to associate with the right process separation lines are difficult to follow feedback from @vduboisdendien-legion. Merci Vincent!
We need to interface as soon as possible MeshOptimizer during the compilation process. * mesh should always use 16 bits indices * the mesh pipeline should be ready for mesh...
Implement a stub for the Visibility step of the rendering pipeline. Even if there is no real visibility computation done, it should interface well with the ObjectModel and the PrepareRender.
## Summary ## Current State ## Tasks - [ ] Shaders - [ ] Materials - [ ] Meshes - [ ] Models - [ ] Textures ## DoD
# Summary We need to define conventions for our API and to integrate the notion of Application ID or/and space Id which will identify a specific sku among multiple skus...