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A tool that translates a robot URDF description into the kindsl format that can be processed by RobCoGen.
URDF2ROBCOGEN {#mainpage}
Authors: Jan Carius ([email protected]) and Ruben Grandia ([email protected]), based on an earlier version by Diego Pardo ([email protected])
Maintainers: Jan Carius ([email protected]) and Ruben Grandia ([email protected])
What is this repository for?
This tool generates the RobCoGen description files (.kindsl & .dtdsl) from a URDF description format.
Build the executable
We use catkin as a build system. To build the bare version use
catkin build urdf2robcogen
Build the documentation
We use rosdoc_lite
with doxygen backend to build documentation for this catkin package.
rosdoc_lite /path/to/package
Two modes of operation are possible.
A) Run as standalone application (plain URDF file)
You must have a URDF description of your robot as a plaintext xml file. This should not contain xacro macros, i.e., you must invoke the xacro command beforehand to produce the URDF file.
To generate the robcogen description, execute
./urdf2robcogen_script RobotName /path/to/description.urdf
The generated files are written into the directory where the executable was executed (i.e., the output of pwd
B) Using a launch file (xacro urdf file)
The urdf2robcogen.launch file converts a robot description on the parameter server.
roslaunch urdf2robcogen urdf2robcogen.launch robot_name:=myRobot description_name:=robot_description
See xacro_example.launch to see how to integrate this with generation of the robot description.
As a default, output files are placed in the /generated folder of this package.
Main differences between URDF and RobCoGen/Kindsl
- Frame rotations are extrinsic (rotations about a fixed frame)
- The axis of rotation of the joints is set with the vector property 'axis' of the joint element
- There is no concept of Frame
- Artificial links are used to define frames (a.k.a., link_frames), they may or may not have inertia
- Artificial Joints (usually fixed) are used to connect link_frames to the real links
- It is common to find URDF with 'virtual' links for compatibility with other tools
- Virtual links might have incomplete information (i.e., inertial parameters)
- The inertial parameters are expressed w.r.t a frame at the CoM of the link
- Frame rotations are intrinsic (rotations about the current frame)
- Frame rotation order is x,y,z
- The axis of rotation of the joint is always Z
- Links always carry inertia and must have a parent joint that is moving (i.e., not fixed)
- Additional frames can be defined at any link
- Inertial parameters are expressed w.r.t. the link frame (i.e., the corresponding joint frame)
- It includes a special feature to set a different frame for expressing the inertial parameters (ref_frame)
- Double-check the ordering of the joints/links in the generated files. They may differ from what you expect.