Leonard Lausen

Results 49 issues of Leonard Lausen

Is there a way to reproduce the following .latexmkrc? ``` $preview_prefix="__preview__"; $preview_file = "$preview_prefix%R__.pdf"; $sync_file = "$preview_prefix%R__.synctex.gz"; $pdflatex="lualatex -synctex=1 %O %S; cp %R.pdf $preview_file; cp %R.synctex.gz $sync_file"; $pdf_previewer = "start...


> One minor issue is that [...] simply doing (alert "test test" :id "new-mail") from eval-expression will get immediately removed by the post-command-hook alert-remove-on-command, unless you also provide some :buffer...

`biblio-url-retrieve` hardcodes a timeout. https://github.com/cpitclaudel/biblio.el/blob/39c362b9eb36e8c00efb5aa6ed406ef8c6a2e2ac/biblio-core.el#L209-L217 Accessing google-scholar via biblio-gscholar.el from https://github.com/nchodosh/biblio.el/commit/1c532b5b6ce73124aa579cf2c0540c429da00bb1 will often take longer than 1 second and trigger the timeout.

Hey there, I'm just trying out your great plugin for my own website. I use the scripts etc. provided in the examples. When calling the camera() function with the imagePath...

`org-capture` is widely used and "more powerful" than the current `bibtex-completion-edit-notes` setup. For example, the new notes can be organized in a datetree and the template code supports more things...

I wonder if it is possible to include a timestamp in the notes-template. E.g. when having the following template: ``` "\n** TODO ${year} - ${title}\n OPENED: {TIMESTAMP HERE}\n :PROPERTIES:\n :Custom_ID:...


First, thanks for putting this software out on Github. It's super helpful and I use it to manage the finances of a small students association in Germany. For the future...

We can see the CI will pass seemingly randomly: fail https://ci.gluon.ai/blue/rest/organizations/jenkins/pipelines/GluonNLP-py3-gpu-integration/branches/PR-1521/runs/11/log/?start=0&download=true/*view* pass https://ci.gluon.ai/blue/rest/organizations/jenkins/pipelines/GluonNLP-py3-gpu-integration/branches/PR-1521/runs/10/log/?start=0&download=true/*view* failure log ``` [2021-02-23T23:41:05.382Z] -- Detecting C compile features - done [2021-02-23T23:41:05.382Z] CMake Error at /var/lib/jenkins/gluon-nlp-gpu-py3/conda/gpu/py3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cmake/data/share/cmake-3.18/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:165 (message):...


This should improve stability. Mosbach, Marius, Maksym Andriushchenko, and Dietrich Klakow. "On the Stability of Fine-tuning BERT: Misconceptions, Explanations, and Strong Baselines." arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.04884 (2020). Zhang, Tianyi, et al....