Evgenia Karunus

Results 97 comments of Evgenia Karunus

Let's put `` state into `redux` instead of keeping it in the component.

I think chances are the learner wants to comment on a flashcard rather than rate it. E.g., if it's poorly understood, - they'd want to say what exactly is confusing,...

I don't think we should enforce course name uniqueness. I considered that, as we'll want to add url slugs at some point (e.g. `memcode.com/courses/python-programming`), however we can use the `memcode.com/courses/:course_id-python-programming`...

If the user has two courses named 'Python' they will easily notice that, and rename one of the courses.

I think when the user intends to create a course about Python they are likely to search for similar courses they created already. @iopq, did you have a situation where...

Aha, that's happening because of the custom mode that updates the component state on change `session.getDocument().on('change', this.myCode)`, it needs to have the same debounce time as the `debounceChangePeriod` 🤔

With react-router@5 `useContext` solution didn't work. What worked is wrapping tooltip's `props.html` in ``: ``` class Tooltip extends React.Component { getHtmlProp = () => { return this.props.html ? {this.props.html} :...

Thank you! I have a similar question about `Segment`s - what are the conditions for multiple `AnalogSignal`s to be put into the same `Segment`? What's meant by a "common clock/time...

Which links are not constructed properly, these ones? ``` window.env = { githubSignInLink: 'https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize?scope=user:email&client_id=${process.env['GITHUB_OAUTH_ID']}', googleSignInLink: 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/v2/auth?scope=profile%20email&redirect_uri=${escape(process.env['GOOGLE_OAUTH_CALLBACK'])}&response_type=code&client_id=${process.env['GOOGLE_OAUTH_ID']}', contactEmail: '[email protected]' }; ``` Could you try to `console.log(process.env)` before and after this line...

Have you tried leaving the `env.js` empty and just setting all environment variables via Docker?