Evgenia Karunus

Results 97 comments of Evgenia Karunus

> I am no web developer, but I saw in the code, that this part of the link is generated from some template. Not really, this is a simple Js...

I agree we should add it. `beforeunload` should save the html of the card in `localStorage`; and, when this course is reopened, we should offer the `Restore the flashcard; Dismiss...

@hrmacbeth, thanks for mentioning that! I'll take up `copy_doc_string` / `add_decl_doc` / `add_tactic_doc` then (I'm also busy at the moment, but will be able to get to it October 4th).

`await expect(page).toClick('button.js-new-template')` also times out after 500ms, despite `page.setDefaultTimeout(7 * 1000)`.

yep, that's how I'm using it now. but I'd like to change headers as I go because some routes in resource require different headers.

Updating cropperjs to `"cropperjs": "1.6.0",` and using `cropper.getCroppedCanvas({ rounded: true })` doesn't fix it for me with the following image. ![217108766-b8531e40-4046-4ba0-83ae-0c1c8df93868](https://github.com/fengyuanchen/cropperjs/assets/7578559/5efb8842-ef7f-4dc4-a536-9c8c75a0c582)

I'd also love to see it. Can't contribute more time to open-source projects at the moment, let's hope for someone to create & PR it.

```js const uiOverrides: TLUiOverrides = { contextMenu: (editor, schema : TLUiMenuSchema, helpers): TLUiMenuSchema => { return [ { id: '1', type: 'item', readonlyOk: true, disabled: false, checked: false, actionItem: {...

While we're at it - pretty confused as to how to disable my "Copy" menu item for certain shapes. In overrides, `contextMenu()` (see `console.log("outside")`) only gets called occasionally, and disabling...

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