
Results 74 issues of l1t1

i have set the java env, but gogui cannot run yet ``` E:\leela\katago131>set path=E:\Actian\Director\jre\bin;%path% E:\leela\katago131>java -version java version "1.8.0_172" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_172-b11) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM...

system configuration problem

https://cloudygo.com/converted_model/v16-19x19/models/001144-two-lions_converted.txt.gz/ from https://cloudygo.com/converted_model/v16-19x19/models/

D:\Python35-32>python -m thulac inputu.txt output.txt seg_only Model loaded succeed Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\Python35-32\lib\runpy.py", line 184, in _run_module_as_main "__main__", mod_spec) File "D:\Python35-32\lib\runpy.py", line 85, in _run_code exec(code, run_globals)...

if it can,will it run faster

I use command line ``` D:\tool\go_gui\gogui-twogtp -black "D:\elfv2\play_opengo_v2\elf_gpu\df_console.exe --load d:/elfv2.bin --mcts_rollout_per_thread 80" -white "D:\leela-zero-0.16-win64\leelaz.exe --gtp -w D:\elfv2.gz --noponder -v 1601" -games 10 -sgffile fbg_lzelfv2 -auto -komi 7.5 ``` elf_opengo memory...

https://facebook.ai/developers/tools/elf-opengo says Play a game with ELF OpenGo ELF OpenGo public binary, allowing anyone with a CUDA-enabled GPU to play against the *** final ELF OpenGo model. *** but according...

after I input quit at the df_console , it was still calulateing ``` D:\elfv2\play_opengo_v2\elf_gpu_full\elf>df_console --load d:/pretrained-go-19x19-v1.bin --num_block 20 --dim 224 --ver bose [2019-02-21 10:35:22.103] [elfgames::go::common::GoGameBase-12] [info] [0] Seed: 62127748, thread_id:...

5.3. AlphaGo Zero vs. AlphaZero We hypothesize that AZ training vastly outperforms AGZ training (given equivalent hardware) due to the former’s asynchrony and consequent improved throughput. We train 64-filter, 5-block...

https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/elfopengo/v2_training_run/urls.csv so that we can download needed ones

i noticed some codes were updated